Our Mission
Saints Philip and James School helps students believe in God and themselves, to care about their neighbor and their world, and to excel as students and citizens of this world and His Kingdom.
Saints Philip and James School is committed to the classical Catholic concept of education, whereby a child is taught to know, love, and serve God in this life with a view to sharing Eternal Life with God in Heaven.
To this end, we endeavor to do more than simply prepare students for high school, college, and career. Rather, we aim to help our students live their life in relationship to God and neighbor, according to the teachings of Jesus and His Church.
We strive to help each student reach their full academic potential. But we believe that there is much more to education than academics. Teaching children to use the gifts God gave them in whatever vocation He gives them, be it in the priesthood, or religious life, as married persons and parents, or as single Christians who live their Faith in the midst of the world, is our primary concern.
Our school is centered on the Eucharist, and maintains a filial love for the Blessed Mother. By sharing the Bread of Life and honoring Mary as our diocesan patroness, we contribute to the deepening of God’s love within our school and in the world.
Philosophy and Objectives
In striving to develop a community characterized by intellectual and moral responsibility, the faculty, staff and students who labor and learn within Saints Philip and James School combine their individual talents, personalities, experiences and heritages.
The school endeavors to cooperate with parents and the community in developing young persons who not only possess the knowledge and skills needed for competence within our society, but who also live according to the values and convictions of the Catholic Church.
The administration, faculty and staff members must be persons willing to create an environment, through principle and example, wherein personal growth will flourish and actions will be guided by virtue. They must be persons totally committed to the pursuit of professional excellence and sensitive to the varied needs of the individual student.
We believe that the individual student has the right to be challenged through a structured, value-oriented education in preparation for life in an ever-changing society.