After Care Program

After School Care at Saints Philip & James School offers a variety of activities for students. Activities are supervised by employees of the school. Students have the opportunity to change into play clothes, finish homework, have playtime inside or outside, depending on the weather, and enjoy a snack.

All students who attend Aftercare must fill out the "After Care Registration Form" on the Forms page.

Aftercare Procedures

  1. Our program operates from the first full day of school until the last day of school in June. Hours are from dismissal until 5:00pm.
  2. If school is closed for the day, there will be no After Care program.
  3. If you choose to have your child participate in after school activities, notify the school in writing. An authorized person, listed on Emergency Form, must pick up the child by 5:00pm.
  4. Payments are made through FACTS.