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I currently teach 2nd Grade at Saints Philip & James School, as well as 3rd grade religion. Listed below are brief descriptions of the major academic topics we will cover in each class.

2nd Grade


Second graders will begin the year with practicing our addition and subtraction facts and learning lots of place value to deepen our number sense. We will broaden our abilities to understand Numbers & Operations, Foundations for Multiplication, Measurement & Time, and Geometry.

Language Arts

In Second Grade, students learn the relationship between letters and letter sounds and how letter patterns and word chunks, such as digraphs, prefixes and suffixes, impact spelling. In addition, vocabulary lessons are based on high frequency words, multiple meaning words, multi-syllabic words, and words from other content areas. Students will understand the integration of reading, literature, informational text, writing, speaking, listening, and language (conventions, vocabulary, and grammar). All of the elements are meant to function together; each is incomplete without the others. We will also have opportunities to apply Language Arts Literacy skills in all other content areas (science, social, math or religious education).


The overarching theme for Religion in Second Grade is preparation for the first reception of the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion, with the law of God and salvation history as background. The lessons aim to prepare second-grade students for the sacraments of confession and Holy Communion, and to help them appreciate God's love for them shown in these two sacraments. Students will learn how to receive the sacrament of confession, the order of the Mass, how to receive Holy Communion, and the basics of prayer.

3rd Grade


All of the sacraments are presented in the third-grade curriculum. However, the sacraments of Holy Eucharist and the Sacrament of Reconciliation are highlighted in greater depth than in Second Grade since the children now possess the grace of those sacraments, and will be able to grasp their meaning with greater understanding. Students learn that through their full participation in the sacramental life of the church, especially in weekly Sunday Mass, they participate in the paschal Mystery and receive grace that will help them in their pursuit to become holy and good Christians.